Saturday, October 31, 2009

Back from the Forking...I mean, trip to Burger King.

Ok. You caught us. Midnight snackage.

Ok. You caught us. That's a lie.

We were forking.

Forking a yard.

A certain yard.

A certain Youth Pastors yard.

A certain.....Gary.

Yes, we forked Gary's yard.

On Halloween....night.


Holy crap it's still pouring outside. ALOT.

Well, hopefully he'll enjoy the surprise those horrible kids left for him.

Such immature...children.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Can't Sleep

It's now 2:56 A.M. I can't sleep.

I woke up abruptly after a horrible nightmare at 2:30 A.M.followed by my yelling. I think it's from my double dose of scary movies yesterday. The PA movie definitely has me going, and I cant go back to sleep because of it, despite the fact that I have a race in the morning. I'm praying that I can just fall back asleep. Honestly, I've never felt this easily frightened before. Pray for me to calm down and get some rest. I just can't seem to convince myself otherwise.

-L Man.

Review: "Paranormal Activity" 2009

5 Things About Paranormal Activity and why you should see it now.

5. It's Freaking Scary.
4. It's Freaking Real Footage.
3. It's Freaking Paranormal.
2. There's Freaking Activity going on.
1. Shakey Cam footage (the whole movie).

Just stop reading this and go watch it. It's AWESOME.

My New Blog

Hey Everyone.

This is my new blog, it's much more accessible than my twitter account (which unfortunately has been blocked at our school).

But thanks to this, I'll be able to update everyone on what's going on, and I'll be able to see your status updates as well! Kind of like twitter....

Thanks for listening! Or ugh, reading.